Sql Server


SQL Server IDENTITY Reset In this tutorial i will let you know about SQL Server IDENTITY Reset.In SQL server table that have IDENTITY property are auto incremented according to IDENTITY incremental value set by us.You have noticed that whenever you deleted all records from your table, next insert start IDENTITY column not from 0 or 1.To […]

Sql Server

How To Create Users In SQL Server

How To Create Users In SQL Server In this tutorial you will learn that how to create user in SQL Server.To Do so follow the simple steps. TSQL:- create login [Demo] with password=N’DEMO’, check_expiration=OFF, default_database=[master], check_policy=off go exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame=N’Demo’, @rolename =N’serveradmin’ go When you run the following query demo user will be crested in […]

Sql Server

How To Attach and Detach a Database in SQL Server

How To Attach and Detach a Database in SQL Server In this tutorial i will let you know that how can you attach or detach  SQL Server database in Sql server. How to attach and detach a database in SQL Server is very easy. You just have to follow few simple steps. By this we […]

Sql Server

Database Mail in SQL Server using GMAIL

Database Mail in SQL Server using GMAIL In this post i will teach you How To Configure Database Mail in SQL Server using GMAIL.I already discussed about database mail in SQL Server on this post. Today i will let you guide you through a video.